The Family Altar
Guide to Daily DevotionsConsistent practice of hearing and confessing God's Word is vital in raising disciples. God calls families to teach the Faith to their children, so these practices aid in handing down the Faith to the next generation.
The Family Altar Devotion Guide offers a simple to follow order for hearing God's Word and praying together as a family. Printed versions are available at Peace, or download a PDF file below. ![]()
Bible Readings and Devotion TopicsAge-appropriate readings and devotional topics should be selected. You can click the link above for suggested readings. Families with young children may desire to read from a "Bible Story Book" to help children learn of God's work in the world.
Here are some Devotional Resources: |
Pray TogetherPray together, so that each family member offers to God his or her most important requests each day. Prayers can be offered on behalf of other family members regarding conversations together through the day.
Prayer Resources: "Pray For Us" Calendar - Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod Hymns & SongsChoose age-appropriate hymns and songs. It is recommended to sing the same song for two weeks before changing, to assist in committing the song to memory.
If you need a Lutheran Service Book hymnal, please let Church staff know and we can assist you. Below is a file with some recommended hymns and songs, as well as a playlist with many of those songs included. ![]()