Peace Adult Bible StudiesThere are various opportunities to join a Bible Study group at Peace. Three times a year, there are seasons of Connect Groups which look at a study together. Our next season of Connect Groups will begin in June. You can find more information on Connect Groups here.
More weekly and monthly opportunities are listed below. |
Sunday Morning Bible Study |
Take a look at current Connect Groups here for Sunday Morning Study options.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study |
Join us in the Chapel for a Bible study that covers weekly readings to help prepare for the coming weekend's message. Contact the Church Office for meeting information.
Adult Refuel Bible Study |
Wednesdays, during the Refuel hour 6:00 - 7:00 pm, a Connect Group meets in the Chapel from September through April.
Women's Connect |
Meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm, unless noted otherwise. Check the monthly Connections for the location. Call the church office for more information.
Men's Connect |
Meets the last Tuesday of the month unless otherwise noted. Group typically meets at CK Bar and Grill in Columbus at 6:30pm. Call the church office for more information.